The disk images on this CD compilation are of the original TPUG disks. No changes have been made in content or format in the interest of providing a true copy of the original disk that one would receive if ordered individually from TPUG. While this does provide a "true' copy, it may cause difficulties when trying to use some of the earlier disks on a modern Amiga (and perhaps also when using some of the newer programs on early Amigas/Operating Systems. During the period of submissions to the TPUG library different text readers were used by the program submitters and also by the librarians who had different preferences. As a result, attempting to bring up a text file by double clicking (when running on a real or emulated Amiga) on the file may not work. In such a case, use the command 'more' which should be available on all Amigas. In a shell or cli window (or in the input window available when pressing 'Right Amiga + E') type 'more df0:readme'. This assumes you have reconstructed the disk image onto drive df0 and wish to read the file named 'readme'.